translation command

英 [trænzˈleɪʃn kəˈmɑːnd] 美 [trænzˈleɪʃn kəˈmænd]

网络  翻译命令



  1. A translation technique for nondeterministic constructs in Guarded command Language ( GCL) is presented. We have modified Pascal-S compiler by using this technique.
  2. By analyzing the traditional teaching mode for English-Chinese Translation which always restrict students to translate flexibly and creatively, this paper holds that college students 'poor command of basic knowledge about language and their lack of inter-culture knowledge hinder their development of translation skills.
  3. There are many Chinglish expressions in their translation, which is an indication that they have not got a good command of English language.
  4. As for translators, in order to perform high quality translation, it is the premise to have a good command of translation methodology and being familiar with both source and target language.